What are Poool's basic settings?

Setting up Poool for maximum impact

Alexandre Santini avatar
Écrit par Alexandre Santini
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

Poool has a configuration marketing section that allows you to define predetermined behaviors.

To do that, click on "Settings" on the main menu.

Media settings

In this part you can set your media name which is very important because it will be later displayed on your widgets.

Login URL is the page where users can login on your media if they have already subscribed or registered.

And, subscription URL is your media offer submission page.

Note: you can define a return URL. To do that, add at the end of the subscription URL ?ma_variable={return_url} 


Distribution setting allow you to replace your paywall with Poool's one.


Advertising settings allows you to define your VAST.

VAST information let you to take advantage of the spot advertising widget.

If you have any questions, as ever please contact us on Intercom! 

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