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How can I set up a context?
How can I set up a context?

Set up your own contexts.

Alexandre Santini avatar
Written by Alexandre Santini
Updated over a week ago

Contexts are available in the 'Scenarios' section of the Dashboard.

Set up a custom context with a custom value

If you want to assign your readers to a context (named by you), all you need to do is specify this in the coding on your webpages. In our example, we will use "cooking".

Former Poool implementation:

New Poool implementation (Audit and Access scripts):

New Poool implementation (Access script only):

In the context creation panel, choose the 'Custom Value' context type.

Enter the name of your custom context. In our example "cooking".

Select the segmentation you want (enable native groups or not).

Finalize by clicking on [Create].

Set up a custom context based on location

In the context creation panel, choose the 'Location' context type.

Select the chosen country from the list.

Select the segmentation you want (enable native groups or not).

Finalize by clicking on [Create].

Set up a custom context according to device used

In the context creation panel, choose the 'Device type' context.

From the list, select the device type you are interested in:

  • Web desktop: access via an internet browser on a computer

  • Mobile web: access via a mobile internet browser (e.g. Safari, Samsung Internet etc.)

  • Web AMP: access via a website on mobile built with AMP

  • Mobile Apps: access via a mobile application

Select the segmentation you want (enable native groups or not).

Finalize by clicking on [Create].

Set up a custom context according to the type of content

In the context creation panel, choose the 'Content type' context.

Select the content type you are interested in from the list:

  • Premium content

  • Free content

Select the segmentation you want (enable native groups or not).

Finalize by clicking on [Create].

Activate/deactivate a context

The default context is always active, you cannot deactivate it.

However, you can activate and deactivate your custom contexts at anytime.

Click on the [⠇] icon in the top right hand corner of the context you want to activate or deactivate.

Select [Activate] or [Deactivate]

🚨 If you deactivate a context, any readers who are in a scenario within that context will be moved to another custom context or to the default context, depending on what was specified in your Poool configuration.

They will also be assigned to a new custom or native group (again depending on your configuration) and will start a scenario from the beginning.

Context priority order

If you set up multiple contexts, here is the order in which they will be considered:

  • Custom value

  • Advanced context

  • Location

  • Device type

  • Content type

  • Default context

Check out our video tutorial:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us via the Intercom chat!

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