How can I be sure that Poool integration is okay?

A complete checklist to make sure that everything is okay

Alexandre Santini avatar
Écrit par Alexandre Santini
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

You recently integrated the script, set all the page types ... to ensure that you did correctly, here is a checklist of a complete and almost perfect Poool integration 🙌.


First, the script should be on every page (homepage, topics, etc.)

"Homepage" & "topics" should be tagged with the "page" type. Unlocked content should be tagged with the "free" type and blocked content should be tagged as "premium".

The page with all the subscription offers should be tagged as "subscription".


We make a difference between a user that is already subscribed and a user that subscribes within the payment funnel

User is premium

The 'user_is_premium' variable should be set within all the Poool configuration and only set if the user is detected as a subscriber.


"conversion" trigger should be sent at the end of the payment funnel, when the payment is confirmed. 


⚠️ Important

If you are working on a study with Poool, you can stop there.
The next steps are about content locking/unlocking and user journeys. 


Front-end !

Setting up Poool's <div>

After setting up the paywall according to the documentation quick-start, you should check that Poool is activated & displayed.

Poool's Paywall will adapt itself within its parent container.

For security reasons, we cannot automatically unlock content when a user is "premium". You have to force the widget as "disabled".

if(<check if user is premium>){
    poool("config", "force_widget", "disabled");

Last but not least

You could have to listen to some events when you disable or hide the paywall on various situations. To handle those specific cases, onHidden & onDisabled are available.
( |

⚠️  Be sure to set them up correctly to get the expected behavior !


The newsletter widget doesn't need specific configuration to work. However, you may want to sync fetched emails adress with your own tool.

This is why we created the onRegister event.

You can retrieve the mail using this function, then you will only need to make the Ajax call.

Long story short : 

You can be sure that your integration is correct by verifying the following points 

For data collection :

-Home and categories are tagged with the "page" type
-Free articles are tagged as "free"
-Premium articles are tagged as "premium"
-Be sure that every other page is tagged
-Non-subscriber are tagged as user_is_premium = flase
-Subscriber are tagged as user_is_premium = true
-Conversion triggers (+pageview) are correctly configured

To be sure that the paywall is configured the right way : 

-The poool widget should be called only on premium pages
-For the subscribers & members, that the Poool script is integrated
-For the subscribers & members, that the Poool widget is not visible
-For the subscribers & members, that the Poool widget is not call, using ("config", "force_widget", "disabled")
-For the subscribers & members, that the thanking message (signature) is not visible
-For the subscribers & members, data-poool & data-poool-mode should not on the articles
-Poool widget shouldn't be integrated on free articles

Et voila!

Every configuration shown before should not be split between tracking & paywall. Everything should be on one javascript file 👍

If you have any doubts, send us a message using Intercom, we'll be glad to help you out! 

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