What do I do when facing an error message?

Finding a solution for each error message on the interface.

Alexandre Santini avatar
Écrit par Alexandre Santini
Mis à jour il y a plus d’une semaine

If you find the following error messages while adding a user or  setting up a scenario. Don't panic! here you have some solutions:

“No request matches with this ID”

The following message may appear when intending to login on the dashboard:


  • Make sure the ID provided is the same one that you received previously in the invitation email.

  • If this is the case, ask the person who invited you to resend you the invitation because it has expired.

Once you have done that, follow the provided link and you should have the following message:

And here it is! Once you have entered your password, you should see this message:

“No ID matches with this email"

The following message may appear when intending to login on the dashboard:


As in the previous case, it is probable that this error message is displayed because the ID has expired. It is also possible that the account creation has not been finalized. 

In both cases, the admin of your dashboard must send the invitation again, My Teams → Manage users. Then, you will receive a new email with the link in order to create your account!

“It is impossible to create a new scenario”

The following message may appear when attempting to modify a scenario on the dashboard:


Refresh the page. If the problem persists, the most likely reason is because the user connected has a guest and isn't in an administrator role. Guest role is assigned the read-only privilege, but this user can not make changes on the interface.

Of course, you can modify a user's roles. To do that, the user administrator will have to go to My Teams → Manage users, click on "Modify" and to change the user's role.

The following window appears: 

Define the user's role as an Administrator. And now, the user has the privilege to change everything!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on Intercom!

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